martes, 1 de octubre de 2013

Modal auxiliary verbs ( can) 

Uses: If you say that you can do something, you mean you have the ability to do it, or you have the knowledge or skill to do it. There are of course other uses of can which will be explained later.
                                                     I / you / he / she / it / we / they    can
Can has the same form for all the pronouns.        

    You can play basketball                  

He can fly! Well, he is Superman.... 

For negative sentences use can + not  (can`t) 

I can´t play rugby. What about you?          

You can`t water ski....It`s very difficult! 

Have to

Use have to or has to + the base form of a verb for obligation

She has to or dosen´t have to meet her cousin  at airport

They have to or don´t have to work late to nigth

He remembers another rapid tip to give location they are: for a situation where a house is in a street without specifying example is "on": on of solidarity to be more precisely and to announce in that place you are serious "in" example: in the house to be to a specific or exact mas in the location example is used "at": at house *325

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